quinta-feira, 30 de maio de 2013

Journals - Chiroptera Neotropical

Chiroptera Neotropical

- Abreviatura: Chirop. Neotrop.
- Qualis CAPES: B3 (Biodiversidade), C (Ciências Biológicas I).
- Taxa de Publicação: Nenhuma.
- Idiomas: Inglês.
- Disponibilidade: Acesso aos artigos livre no site.
Chiroptera Neotropical é uma publicação que trata da biologia, ecologia, biogeografia e conservação de morcegos neotropicais (ordem Chiroptera). São aceitas publicações nas categorias de artigo, comunicações curtas e artigos de revisão. A Chiroptera Neotropical é publicada duas vezes ao ano.

sábado, 25 de maio de 2013

Effects of intraguild predation: evaluating resource competition between two canid species with apparent niche separation

KOZLOWSKI, A.J.; GESE, E.M.; ARJO, W.M. 2012. Effects of intraguild predation: evaluating resource competition between two canid species with apparent niche separation. International Journal of Ecology, v. 2012, Article ID 629246, 12 pages. doi: 10.1155/2012/629246.

Abstract. Many studies determine which habitat components are important to animals and the extent their use may overlap with competitive species. However, such studies are often undertaken after populations are in decline or under interspecific stress. Since habitat selection is not independent of interspecific stress, quantifying an animal’s current landscape use could be misleading if the species distribution is suboptimal. We present an alternative approach by modeling the predicted distributions of two sympatric species on the landscape using dietary preferences and prey distribution.We compared the observed habitat use of kit foxes (Vulpes macrotis) and coyotes (Canis latrans) against their predicted distribution. Data included locations of kit foxes and coyotes, carnivore scat transects, and seasonal prey surveys. Although habitats demonstrated heterogeneity with respect to prey resources, only coyotes showed habitat use designed to maximize access to prey. In contrast, kit foxes used habitats which did not align closely with prey resources. Instead, habitat use by kit foxes represented spatial and behavioral strategies designed to minimize spatial overlap with coyotes while maximizing access to resources. Data on the distribution of prey, their dietary importance, and the species-specific disparities between predicted and observed habitat distributions supports a mechanism by which kit fox distribution is derived from intense competitive interactions with coyotes.

sábado, 18 de maio de 2013

Variação temporal da estrutura e tamanho de bandos de capivaras na Estação Ecológica do Taim, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

BAGER, A.; ROSA, C.A.; LOUREIRO, L.; CORRÊA, R.; CARMO, J.; GARCIAS, F. 2010. Variação temporal da estrutura e tamanho de bandos de capivaras na Estação Ecológica do Taim, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Zoociências 12(3):273-280.

Abstract. Temporal variation of structure and size of capybara groups in Taim Ecological Station, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. A capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) population was monitored in a borderline region between ESEC Taim (Taim Ecological Station) and southernmost areas of rice cultivation, located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS, Brazil). The aim was compared the structure and size of groups, in different seasons, with variations of temperature and precipitation during two years. A total of 25 censuses,  obtained through the direct count technique, were performed from August 2003 to August 2005. These samplings were performed in a transect of 4000-meter on the margins of Mangueira Lagoon. The capybaras were separated by age and sex. The average number of groups (NB) was of 24±0.65. The highest NB value was observed in spring of 2004 (29.7) and 2005 (26.2), as well as in the winter of 2005 (27.5), differing these seasons from the others (P<0.01). The average number of adults in the groups (NAB) was of 15.1±0.65 individuals. The NAB presented a strong negative relation with number of groups. This was observed in autumn, 2005 (P<0.001). The average number of individuals per groups (NTB) was of 26.3±1.10, and presented a temporal pattern similar to the adults. The correlation analysis between biotic factors (NB, NAB and NTB), and abiotic factors (temperature and precipitation) have not presented any significant values (P>0.05). The variations of structure observed in the groups are probably due to changes in the size of dry area  near the lake through the year, therefore resulting in different levels of approaching and grouping behaviors. The negative relation  between number of individuals per group and number of groups existing in the area reinforces the hypothesis of structural changes  of groups according to the period of the year.

quarta-feira, 15 de maio de 2013

Journals - Folia Primatologica

Folia Primatologica

- Abreviatura: Folia Primatol.
- Qualis CAPES: B1 (Biodiversidade), B4 (Ciências Biológicas I).
- Taxa de Publicação: Não há.
- Idiomas: Inglês.
- Disponibilidade: Restrito. A maioria dos artigos é de acesso restrito e pago.
- Submissão: Online, por um sistema próprio, com acesso na home page.

Reconhecendo que a pesquisa em biologia humana deve ser encontrada em um conhecimento comparativo com nossos parentes mais próximos, este periódico é a maneira ideal do cientista naturalista acessar a melhor pesquisa com primatas atual. Folia Primatologica cobre campos tão diversos como biologia molecular e comportamento social, e apresenta artigos em ecologia, conservação, paleontologia, sistemática e anatomia funcional. Artigos detalhados e resenhas convidadas são fornecidos pelos primatólogos líderes mundiais. Além disso, fascículos especiais proporcionam publicações rápidas de processos de conferência. Folia Primatologica é uma das mais bem avaliadas publicações primatológicas e é reconhecida em todo o mundo como um periódico de alto impacto para primatólogos, zoólogos e antropólogos.

sábado, 11 de maio de 2013

Factors affecting the use of space by two rodent species in Brazilian Atlantic forest

BERGALLO, H.G.; MAGNUSSON, W.E. 2004. Factors affecting the use of space by two rodent species in Brazilian Atlantic forest. Mammalia 68(2-3):121-132.

Abstract. The main purpose of this study was to determine whether the maximum distance traveled and home range are of Nectomys squamipes and Oryzomys russatus differ between sexes, breeding seasons and species. We also evaluated whether rainfall and food availability influenced the maximum distance traveled. Rats were trapped monthly from February 1993 to January 1995 in an area of Atlantic forest, Brazil. Maximum distance traveled by N. squamipes was not related to mass and was longer during the breeding season for males. There were not differences between seasons in the distances traveled by O. russatus, but larger males traveled further. Food availability and rainfall had no effect on the distance traveled by each species. Home ranges of male N. squamipes were larger than those of females during the breeding season, but home ranges did not differ between the sexes in O. russatus. Differences between the two species in movement may be related to differences in mating systems, which are probably promiscuous in N. squamipes and monogamous in O. russatus.

sábado, 4 de maio de 2013

Anomalous color in Neotropical mammals: a review with new records for Didelphis sp. (Didelphidae, Didelphimorphia) and Arctocephalus australis (Otariidae, Carnivora)

ABREU, M.S.L.; MACHADO, R.; BARBIERI, F.; FREITAS, N.S.; OLIVEIRA, L.R. 2013. Anomalous color in Neotropical mammals: a review with new records for Didelphis sp. (Didelphidae, Didelphimorphia) and Arctocephalus australis (Otariidae, Carnivora). Brazilian Journal of Biology 73(1):185-194.

Abstract. Anomalous colourations occur in many tropical vertebrates. However, they are considered rare in wild populations, with very few records for the majority of animal taxa. We report two new cases of anomalous colouration in mammals. Additionally, we compiled all published cases about anomalous pigmentation registered in Neotropical mammals, throughout a comprehensive review of peer reviewed articles between 1950 and 2010. Every record was classified as albinism, leucism, piebaldism or eventually as undetermined pigmentation. As results, we report the new record of a leucistic specimen of opossum (Didelphis sp.) in southern Brazil, as well as a specimen of South American fur seal (Arctocephalus australis) with piebaldism in Uruguay. We also found 31 scientific articles resulting in 23 records of albinism, 12 of leucism, 71 of piebaldism and 92 records classified as undetermined pigmentation. Anomalous colouration is apparently rare in small terrestrial mammals, but it is much more common in cetaceans and michrochiropterans. Out of these 198 records, 149 occurred in cetaceans and 30 in bats. The results related to cetaceans suggest that males  and females with anomolous pigmentation are reproductively successful and as a consequence their frequencies are  becoming higher in natural populations. In bats, this result can be related to the fact these animals orient themselves  primarily through echolocation, and their refuges provide protection against light and predation. It is possible that  anomalous colouration occurs more frequently in other Neotropical mammal orders, which were not formally reported.  Therefore, we encourage researchers to publish these events in order to better understand this phenomenon that has a significant influence on animal survival.

sexta-feira, 3 de maio de 2013

XXX Congresso Brasileiro de Zoologia

Entre os dias 04 e 07 de fevereiro de 2014 ocorrerá, no Centro de Eventos da PUCRS em Porto Alegre, o XXX Congresso Brasileiro de Zoologia. O prazo para a proposição de minicursos e simpósios foi prorrogada a até 15 de maio de 2013. Os interessados devem visitar o site www.sbzoologia.org.br.