segunda-feira, 30 de setembro de 2013

Journals: Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals

Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals

- Abreviatura: Lat. Am. J. Aquat. Mamm. (LAJAM)
- Qualis CAPES: B4 (Biodiversidade), C (Ciências Biológicas I e III).
- Taxa de Publicação: Sim. Gratuito para membros do SOLAMAC e SOMEMMA.
- Idiomas: Inglês.
- Disponibilidade: Restrito.
- Submissão: Online, em um sistema próprio, com acesso na home page.

A Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals (LAJAM) publica artigos acadêmicos sobre biologia, manejo e conservação de mamíferos aquáticos na América Latina. A LAJAM procura promover e disseminar o conhecimento científico sobre mamíferos aquáticos e seu ambiente na América Latina.

A Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals é publicada bianualmente, em junho e dezembro.

sábado, 28 de setembro de 2013

Hábitos alimentares e uso de abrigos por Chrotopterus auritus (Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae)

WITT, A.A.; FABIÁN, M.E. 2010. Hábitos alimentares e uso de abrigos por Chrotopterus auritus (Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae). Mastozoología Neotropical 17(2):353-360.

Abstract. Food habits and use of roosts by Chrotopterus auritus (Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae). Chrotopterus auritus (Peters, 1856) (Phyllostomidae, Chiroptera) is the only species of carnivorous bat recorded in Rio Grande do Sul state. In this work we identified the diet items and observed their spatial distribution within roosting sites at daytime. We monitored seven caves, every fifteen days, from may/2002 to april/2003, in Machadinho and Barracão counties, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. The diet was inferred from fecal samples (n=67) and food remains (n=63). Mammals, birds and arthropods, composed the diet of the C. auritus. C. auritus did not show preference by food items, such as mammals, birds or arthropods, because there were no significant differences among them in fecal samples. The result was similar when comparing the presence of these items between seasons. Rodents, Passeriformes and Coleopterans were the prevailing items in the diet of the C. auritus. Fruits were consumed occasionally, about 5.9% of the total of the samples. C. auritus was, during the whole study period, present in the studied caves, varying in number of individuals and shelters. Cohabitation with Desmodus rotundus and Myotis nigricans was observed.

sábado, 21 de setembro de 2013

Trend of the Yellowstone grizzly bear population

EBERHARDT, L.L.; BREIWICK, J.M. 2010. Trend of the Yellowstone grizzly bear population. International Journal of Ecology, v. 2010, Article ID 924197, 5 pages. doi: 10.1155/2010/924197.

Abstract. Yellowstone’s grizzlies (Ursus arctos) have been studied for more than 40 years. Radiotelemetry has been used to obtain estimates of the rate of increase of the population, with results reported by Schwartz et al. (2006). Counts of females with cubs-of-the-year “unduplicated” also provide an index of abundance and are the primary subject of this report. An exponential model was fitted to n = 24 such counts, using nonlinear leastsquares. Estimates of the rate of increase, r, were about 0.053. 95% confidence intervals, were obtained by several different methods, and all had lower limits substantially above zero, indicating that the population has been increasing steadily, in contrast to the results of Schwartz et al. (2006), which could not exclude a decreasing population. The grizzly data have been repeatedly mis-used in current literature for reasons explained here.

sexta-feira, 20 de setembro de 2013

1ª Circular VII CBMz 2014

A 1ª Circular do VII Congresso Brasileiro de Mastozoologia, que ocorrerá entre os dias 22 e 26 de setembro de 2014 em Gramado, RS, já está disponível aqui. Lá constam informações sobre a submissão de propostas de simpósios, mesas redondas e mini-cursos.

domingo, 15 de setembro de 2013

Journals: International Journal of Primatology

International Journal of Primatology

- Abreviatura: Int. J. Primatol.
- Home Page:
- Qualis CAPES: B1 (Biodiversidade), B3 (Ciências Biológicas I).
- Taxa de Publicação: Não há.
- Idiomas: Inglês.
- Disponibilidade: Restrito. A maioria dos artigos é de acesso restrito e pago.
- Submissão: Online, pelo sistema Editorial Manager, com acesso na home page.

O International Journal of Primatology é um fórum multidisciplinar devotado à disseminação da pesquisa corrente em primatologia fundamental. Publicando artigos originais de alta qualidade sobre primatas, o periódico reúne estudos de laboratório e de campo de diversas disciplinas como antropologia, anatomia, etologia, paleontologia, psicologia, sociologia, e zoologia. Artigos de pesquisas originais abordam vários aspectos da biologia de primatas e a conservação de primatas e seus hábitats. Artigos reportando sobre espécies ameaçadas ou em extinção são realçados, para aumentar ainda mais a sensibilidade para a condição dos primatas. O periódico também aceita artigos de revisão, comentários e resenhas de livros. Fascículos especiais editados por convidados sobre tópicos particulares são publicados de tempos em tempos.

sábado, 14 de setembro de 2013

A radio tracking study of home range and movements of the marsupial Micoureus demerarae (Thomas) (Mammalia, Didelphidae) in the Atlantic forest of south-eastern Brazil

JUNIOR, E.A.M.; CHIARELLO, A.G. 2005. A radio tracking study of home range and movements of the marsupial Micoureus demerarae (Thomas) (Mammalia, Didelphidae) in the Atlantic forest of south-eastern Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 22(1):85-91.

Abstract. From August 2001 to July 2002 the home range and movements of seven Micoureus demerarae (Thomas, 1905) (three males and four females) were investigated using radio tracking in the União Biological Reserve, state of Rio de Janeiro, south-eastern Brazil. A total of 436 locations was obtained and home range estimated with fixed Kernel (95% of data points), and minimum convex polygon (MCP) methods, with 100 and 95% of data points. Male home ranges estimated by MCP (100%) ranged from 5.4-24.2 ha and females from 0.3-10.7 ha. Corresponding figures calculated with Kernel (95%) were 4-10.9 ha for males and 1.3-5.9 ha for females. Animals travelled on average 423 m/night, with males travelling significantly further (582.8 m/night) than females (335.1 m/night) (t test, t = 3.609, p = 0.001). We concluded that radio tracking produced much larger home ranges than those estimated with traditional live-trapping techniques, suggesting that the latter might underestimate ranging when the area covered with traps is relatively small (ca. 1 ha or less). Radio tracking also indicated that M. demerarae, although predominantly arboreal and weighting only ca. 130 g., has movements similar in magnitude to larger-sized terrestrial didelphimorph marsupials, such as Didelphis Linnaeus, 1758, Philander Linnaeus, 1758 and Metachirus (Desmarest, 1817).

terça-feira, 10 de setembro de 2013

XXX CBZ - Prorrogações

A organização do XXX Congresso Brasileiro de Zoologia divulgou que as datas limites das inscrições com presos da primeira fase e a submissão de Resumos foram prorrogadas para 10 de outubro. Aproveitem.

sábado, 7 de setembro de 2013

Short-term fire effects on small mammal populations and vegetation of the Northern Chihuahuan Desert

MONASMITH, T.J.; DEMARAIS, S.; ROOT, J.J.; BRITTON, C.M. 2010. Short-term fire effects on small mammal populations and vegetation of the Northern Chihuahuan Desert. International Journal of Ecology, v. 2010, Article ID 189271, 9 pages. doi: 10.1155/2010/189271.

Abstract. Fire is an important ecological factor in semidesert grass-shrub community dynamics, but there is a lack of designed field experiments documenting effects on vegetation and small mammals.We document effects of June prescribed fire on vegetation and small mammals on 20, 25-ha study areas in the Northern Chihuahuan Desert of Southern New Mexico, USA one month and one year posttreatment. Canopy cover of shrubs and grasses recovered to 68 and 27% of the preburn canopy cover, respectively, after one year. Prescribed burns during June enhanced short-term forb production by reducing competition from grasses and shrubs. Thirty thousand trap-nights yielded 1744 captures of 766 individuals of 15 small mammal species. Burns did not affect small mammal species richness and species diversity. Relative abundance of Merriam’s kangaroo rats (Dipodomys merriami) was 91% greater on burned sites than on control sites one year postburn. Silky pocket mouse (Perognathus flavus) relative abundance was 221% greater on burned sites one year postburn. Chihuahuan Desert pocket mice (Chaetodipus eremicus) responded negatively to the fire, with relative abundance 170% greater on control sites (P = .080). Burning produced short-term benefits for two heteromyids, Merriam’s kangaroo rats and silky pocket mice.