segunda-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2013

Journals: Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment

Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment

- Abreviatura: Stud. Neotrop. Fauna E.
- Qualis CAPES: B2 (Biodiversidade), B5 (Ciências Biológicas I).
- Taxa de Publicação: Não há.
- Idiomas: Inglês.
- Disponibilidade: Restrito. Não há artigos de acesso livre no site.
- Submissão: Por e-mail, em contato com o editor.

Ainda está longe de ser completo a compreensão completa dos complexos ecossistemas dos Neotrópicos, embora eles tenham sido estudados desde a primeira expedição dos naturalistas do velho mundo Macrgrave, Humboldt, Spix, Darwin, Bates e Müller. Os objetivos e escopo do periódico são, além de pesquisas taxonômicas e zoogeográficas, análises de comunidades animais e sua relação com condições ambientais bióticas e abióticas. Isto inclui a fauna de ecossistemas terrestres e de água doce nos Neotrópicos. Contribuições que representam pesquisas originais e mini-revisões são bem-vindas.

Todos os artigos de pesquisa publicados neste periódico passaram por uma rigorosa revisão, baseada em uma triagem inicial do editor e por revisão anônima por experientes revisores independentes.

sábado, 28 de dezembro de 2013

Factors affecting home range size and overlap in Akodon azarae (Muridae: Sigmodontinae) in natural pasture of Argentina

PRIOTTO, J.W.; STEINMANN, A.R. 1999. Factors affecting home range size and overlap in Akodon azarae (Muridae: Sigmodontinae) in natural pasture of Argentina. Acta Theriologica 44(1):37-44.

Abstract. Differences in home range size in relation to sex, age, breeding and non-breeding periods were studied. Home range size and overlap were examined at different densities values in populations of Akodon azarae (Fischer, 1829) on railway banks in southern Córdoba Province (Argentina). The sampling was carried out between October 1994, and February 1997, using the capture-mark-recapture method. Home range size in A. azarae was determined by sex and breeding period, and it was independent of the observed density values. Home range size of males was always larger than that of females. Increase of population density during the breeding period affected the degree of intersexual overlap of home range.

sábado, 21 de dezembro de 2013

Response of leopards to re-introduced tigers in Sariska Tiger Reserve, Western India

MONDAL, K.; GUPTA, S.; BHATTACHARJEE, S.; QURESHI, Q; SANKAR, K. 2012. Response of leopards to re-introduced tigers in Sariska Tiger Reserve, Western India. International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation 4(5):228-236. doi: 10.5897/IJBC12.014

Abstract. Tigers got exterminated from Sariska Tiger Reserve before 2005. After that, five tigers were re-introduced to Sariska during 2008 to 2010. The present study compared the abundance, site occupancy and temporal activity pattern of leopard before and after tiger re-introduction. The population of leopard was estimated by mark-recapture technique using camera traps during 2008 to 2010 in an effective trapping area of 223.3 km2. Before tiger re-introduction (2008), the leopard density was estimated to be 7.6±0.6 (SE) /100 km2 and after tiger reintroduction it was 6.2±0.8 /100 km2(2009) and 3.1±0.4 /100 km2 (2010). It was observed that the density of leopard declined significantly (Two sample T-Test; P = 0.0002) from 2008 to 2010. Rate of site occupancy was calculated through site-wise capture history of leopard obtained from camera traps. Before tiger re-introduction the probability of site utilization of leopard was 0.75, while after tiger re-introduction probabilities of site utilization of leopard and tiger were estimated at 0.54 and 0.52 respectively and the co-occurrence of both the species was 0.51. Temporal activity patterns of tiger and leopard were investigated from photo captures. Prior to the release of tigers, mean activity time of leopard was 20: 57 h (95% CI 20: 19 to 22: 53) but shifted to 22: 35 h (21: 02 to 01: 25 h) after tiger release (Watson’s U2 test: p<0.005). The present study showed that there was a decline in the leopard population after tiger re-introduction and considerable segregation between the two carnivores along the spatial and temporal axes.

domingo, 15 de dezembro de 2013

Journals: Primate Conservation

Primate Conservation

- Qualis CAPES: B2 (Biodiversidade), B4 (Ciências Biológicas I).
- Taxa de Publicação: Não há.
- Idiomas: Inglês.
- Disponibilidade: Acesso livre a todos os artigos no site.
- Submissão: Por e-mail, enviado diretamente ao editor.

Primate Conservation é um periódico totalmente devotado a partilhar informações sobre os primatas mais ameaçados do mundo. Primate Conservation desempenha uma função central na publicação de pesquisas de conservação com espécies de primatas – particularmente em amostragens de status de ameaça e estudos sobre distribuição, que são componentes fundamentais do esforço conservacionista. Primate Conservation é também um fórum ideal para artigos longos, e tem a flexibilidade de publicar uma variedade de materiais de suporte como ilustrações coloridas.

sábado, 14 de dezembro de 2013

Karyology of the Atlantic forest rodent Juliomys (Cricetidae): a new karyotype from southern Brazil

PARESQUE, R.; CHRISTOFF, A.U.; FAGUNDES, V. 2009. Karyology of the Atlantic forest rodent Juliomys (Cricetidae): a new karyotype from southern Brazil. Genetics and Molecular Biology 32:301-305.

Abstract. Juliomys is a small rodent from the family Cricetidae which inhabits the Atlantic forest and forests from Argentina to eastern Brazil. The three species recognized so far have different karyotypes. In this paper, we describe a new karyotype with 2n = 32, FN = 48 found in Juliomys specimens from a high-altitude area in the Atlantic forest of southern Brazil. The karyotype was analyzed after G- and C-banding and silver staining of the nucleolus organizer regions (Ag-NOR) and its G-banding patterns were compared with those of the newly described species Juliomys ossitenuis (2n = 20, FN = 36). The 2n = 32 karyomorph presented peculiar features and was very different from those of the other species of the genus: J. pictipes (2n = 36, FN = 34), J. rimofrons (2n = 20, FN = 34) and J. ossitenuis (2n = 20, FN = 36). Differences were mostly due to centric and tandem fusions, pericentric inversion and loss of hetero-chromatin. The karyotype represents a powerful tool to differentiate Juliomys species and our data suggest that the karyotype described herein belongs to a new species.

quinta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2013

Livro: Mamíferos do Rio Grande do Sul

Depois de muito tempo, finalmente teremos um livro de Mamíferos do Rio Grande do Sul. O livro já está pronto, mas para sua impressão ainda será preciso apoio dos pesquisadores. Por isso a equipe de edição abriu um Projeto onde qualquer pessoa pode fazer doações para que o projeto se torne realidade. E as doações são recompensadas de diversas maneiras. Doando R$ 50,00, por exemplo, você recebe um exemplar do livro e um adesivo do projeto. Doações maiores conferem um livro ao doador e mais uma doação de exemplares do livro para instituições de pesquisa.

Passe nesse link para maiores e informações, e faça sua doação para apoiar o projeto e receber um exemplar:

Particularmente acho o projeto muito bem-vindo. Até o momento o único exemplar de livro de mamíferos do Rio Grande do Sul é o "Mamíferos Silvestres do RS", do Flávio Silva. Mas hoje o livro encontra-se muito desatualizado. Há anos ouço uma promessa de um livro de mamíferos do RS, mas até hoje nada foi publicado. Portanto, acho que o Mamíferos do Rio Grande do Sul, com organização de Gislene Gonçalves, é um título muito bem-vindo e necessário.

sábado, 7 de dezembro de 2013

Use of vertical space by small mammals in gallery forest and woodland savannah in south-western Brazil

HANNIBAL W.; CÁCERES NC. 2010. Use of vertical space by small mammals in gallery forest and woodland savannah in south-western Brazil. Mammalia 74: 247-255. doi: 10.1515/MAMM.2010.007

Abstract. We examined the community composition and abundance of small mammals in the vertical strata of gallery forests and woodland savannahs in south-western Brazil. Captures were carried out during the winter and summer months of 2006/2007. Traps were set in three transect lines per habitat, with 10 capture stations on each line. Each station had three traps: on the ground, in the understorey (2–3 m in height), and in the canopy (8–10 m) in each physiognomy. With an effort of 3600 trap-nights, 11 species of small mammals were captured, which were distributed differently regarding the forest physiognomies and utilisation of vertical strata. The species showed a high degree of habitat segregation in the two physiognomies, with only the climbing-rat Rhipidomys macrurus found in both habitats. The correspondence analysis revealed that Caluromys philander occurred mostly in the canopy; Cryptonanus agricolai, Marmosa murina, and Oecomys bicolor in the understorey; and Gracilinanus agilis and Nectomys rattus on the ground. The utilisation of traps in different strata increased species richness in the Cerrado biome, showing that the small-mammal community is distributed along the vertical complexity of the forest and even in different physiognomies, enabling more species to coexist.