terça-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2015

Recursos alimentares nos estratos verticais e sua relação com pequenos mamíferos em uma Floresta de Araucária do sul do Brasil

ABREU, M.S.L.; SCHMITZ, G.W.; OLIVEIRA, L.R. 2015. Recursos alimentares nos estratos verticais e sua relação com pequenos mamíferos em uma Floresta de Araucária do sul do Brasil. Revista de Ciências Ambientais 9(2):131-144. doi: 10.18316/1981-8858.16

Abstract. Food resources on the vertical strata and their relationship with small mammals in an Araucaria forest of southern Brazil. This study presents the relationship between the use of different layers by non-volant small mammals and the food resources availability in an Araucaria Forest area from southern Brazil. In this sense, 150 live traps were placed on the ground, understory and canopy. The availability of resources in the layers was evaluated by counting fruits, seeds and captured invertebrates. As a result, 10 species were recorded of non-volant small mammals. An inverse relationship was found between captures of: Akodon montensis and availability of fruits and seeds on the ground (R = -0.95, P = 0.05); Juliomys sp. and invertebrates abundance in the canopy (R = -0.96, P = 0.04); and Gracilinanus microtarsus and total food availability in the canopy (R = -0.99, P = 0.008). The results suggest that in times of food scarcity, small mammals in the Araucaria Forest may need more time searching for food, increasing catch rates in the strata where they live.

segunda-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2015

Afugentamento, Resgate, Monitoramento e Destinação da Fauna para Consultoria e Licenciamento Ambiental

Curso de Afugentamento, Resgate, Monitoramento e Destinação da Fauna para Consultoria e Licenciamento Ambiental, ministrado por Selvagem em Foco Cursos e Consultoria Ambiental.

Dias: 26, 27 e 28 de Fevereiro de 2016.
Local: Reserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu - RJ
Valor do curso com 10% de desconto até dia 24/12 ou em até 12x sem juros.
Informações: selvagememfoco.com ou selvagememfoco@gmail.com

sábado, 3 de outubro de 2015

Seed survival and dispersal of an endemic Atlantic forest palm: the combined effects of defaunation and forest fragmentation

GALETTI, M. DONATTI, C.I.; PIRES, A.S.; GUIMARÃES JR., P.R.; JORDANO, P. 2006. Seed survival and dispersal of an endemic Atlantic forest palm: the combined effects of defaunation and forest fragmentation. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 151:141-149. 

Abstract. About 45 palm species occur in the Atlantic forest of Brazil, and most of them are affected by loss of seed dispersers resulting from forest fragmentation and hunting. Here we report the effects of habitat loss and defaunation on the seed dispersal system of an endemic palm, Astrocaryum aculeatissimum. We evaluated seed removal, insect and rodent seed predation, and scatter-hoarding in nine sites, ranging from 19 ha to 79 000 ha. We report the seedling, juvenile and adult palm densities in this range of sites. Endocarps remaining beneath the parent palm had a higher probability of being preyed upon by insects in small, mostly fragmented and more defaunated sites. The frequency of successful seed removal, scatter-hoarding and consumption by rodents increased in the larger, less defaunated sites. Successful removal and dispersal collapsed in small (< 1000 ha), highly defaunated sites and frequently resulted in low densities of both seedlings and juveniles. Our results indicate that a large fraction of Atlantic forest palms that rely on scatter-hoarding rodents may become regionally extinct due to forest fragmentation and defaunation. Current management practices including palm extraction and hunting pressure have a lasting effect on Atlantic forest palm regeneration by severely limiting successful recruitment of prereproductive individuals.

sábado, 26 de setembro de 2015

Seed predation by rodents and safe sites for large-seeded trees in a fragment of the Brazilian Atlantic forest

PINTO, S.R.R.; SANTOS, A.M.M.; TABARELLI, M. 2009. Seed predation by rodents and safe sites for large-seeded trees in a fragment of the Brazilian Atlantic forest. Brazilian Journal of Biology 69(3):763-771. 

Abstract. Seed predation by small rodents is an emerging theme in the ecology of modified landscapes. Here we investigate the role played by the small rodent Oryzomys oniscus as a seed predator of large-seeded trees in a large remnant of the Atlantic forest - the Coimbra forest (3,500 ha), Alagoas state, northeastern Brazil. O. oniscus was captured and identified by setting twenty 500 m long transects, each one composed of 25 traps 20 m apart. This procedure resulted in 483 trap-nights set during a 20-mo period. We used 692 seeds (>15 mm length) from ten local large-seeded tree species for the seed predation trials that basically consisted of three treatments: one seed on the ground freely accessed by vertebrates (unprotected seed), one seed totally protected by an exclosure, and one partially-protected seed (exclosure just for medium-sized and large vertebrates). O. oniscus was captured throughout the Coimbra forest including forest edges (76 captures) and interior areas (67), and this small rodent was responsible for all seed predation visually documented inside exclosures. A 24 hours period of seed exposition permitted elevated rates of seed removal and predation. Seeds were much more removed/predated beneath fruiting trees, but rates varied according to the level of seed protection — 26.3% of predation among partially-protected versus 19.2% among unprotected seeds. Seeds suffered higher levels of seed predation/removal at the forest edge as well (up to 90%). In both habitats, most seeds (>84%) remained intact beneath trees without fruits, regardless of the level of seed protection. Our results suggest that O. oniscus may operate as an effective large-seed predator in forest fragments, in which adult trees without fruits constitute low resource spots and thereby provide, at least temporarily, safe sites for large seeds.

sábado, 29 de agosto de 2015

Amazonian freshwater habitats experiencing environmental and socieconomic threats affecting subsistence fisheries

ALHO, C.J.R.; REIS, R.E.; AQUINO, P.P.U. 2015. Amazonian freshwater habitats experiencing environmental and socieconomic threats affecting subsistence fisheries. AMBIO 44(5):412-425. doi: 10.1007/s13280-014-0610-z

Abstract. Matching the trend seen among the major large rivers of the globe, the Amazon River and its tributaries are facing aquatic ecosystem disruption that is affecting freshwater habitats and their associated biodiversity, including trends for decline in fishery resources. The Amazon’s aquatic ecosystems, linked natural resources, and human communities that depend on them are increasingly at risk from a number of identified threats, including expansion of agriculture; cattle pastures; infrastructure such as hydroelectric dams, logging, mining; and overfishing. The forest, which regulates the hydrological pulse, guaranteeing the distribution of rainfall and stabilizing seasonal flooding, has been affected by deforestation. Flooding dynamics of the Amazon Rivers are a major factor in regulating the intensity and timing of aquatic organisms. This study’s objective was to identify threats to the integrity of freshwater ecosystems, and to seek instruments for conservation and sustainable use, taking principally fish diversity and fisheries as factors for analysis.

sábado, 22 de agosto de 2015

Mastofauna do Planalto das Araucárias, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

MARQUES, R.V.; CADEMARTORI, C.V.; PACHECO, S.M. 2011. Mastofauna do Planalto das Araucárias, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Biociências 9(3):278-288. 

Abstract. Mammals from Araucaria’s Plateau, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Wild small (including flying), medium and large mammals long term surveys were carried out in Protected areas in Araucarias Plateau in state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Studies were done in native pine forests (Araucaria angustifolia), Araucaria plantation, recuperation stage of native vegetation after deforestation and around urban areas. Study methods included the use of Tomahawk traps, pitffal traps, mist nets, camera traps, footprints, direct observations of animals and dead animals in roads. Sixty six species of native mammals and one exotic species (hare – Lepus europaeus) were detected. Araucaria’s Plateau is important for conservation of mammals because has natural environments that support endangered species.

sábado, 15 de agosto de 2015

Journals: Community Ecology

Community Ecology

- Abreviatura: Community Ecol.
- Qualis CAPES: B1 (Biodiversidade), B2 (Ciências Biológicas I).
- Taxa de Publicação: Sim.
- Idiomas: Inglês.
- Disponibilidade: Restrito. Apenas as edições mais recentes ficam disponíveis no site.
- Submissão: Online, pelo sistema Editorial Manager, com acesso na home page.

Community Ecology, estabelecida pela união de dois periódicos de ecologia, o Coenoses e a Abstracta Botanica foi gerado em um esforço de criar um fórum global comum para ecólogos de comunidade que trabalhem com comunidades de plantas, animais e/ou microbiais dos sistemas terrestres, marinhos ou de água doce. As principais áreas abordadas são: (i) teoria ecológica baseada em comunidade; (ii) modelagem de comunidades ecológicas; (iii) ecofisiologia baseada em comunidades; (iv) dinâmicas temporais, incluindo sucessão; (v) interações tróficas, incluindo cadeias alimentares e competição; (vi) análise de padrões espaciais, incluindo questões de escala; (vii) padrões de riqueza de espécies e diversidade em comunidades; (viii) amostragem de comunidades ecológicas/ (ix) métodos de análise de dados. Também publica Revisões de livros publicados, anúncios e avisos.

sábado, 8 de agosto de 2015

Barn Owl pellets (Aves: Tyto furcata) reveal a higher mammalian richness in the Restinga de Jurubatiba National Park, Southeastern Brazil

LEMOS, H.M.; SILVA, C.A.O.; PATIU, F.M.; GONÇALVES, P.R. 2015. Barn Owl pellets (Aves: Tyto furcata) reveal a higher mammalian richness in the Restinga de Jurubatiba National Park, Southeastern Brazil. Biota Neotropica 15(2):1-9. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1676-06032015012114

Abstract. The northern coast of the state of Rio de Janeiro harbors the largest coastal sandy plains (restingasof southeastern Brazil, severely threatened due to recent human occupation. In this context, mammal inventories becomes urgent to support biodiversity conservation and management policies. This paper aims to update the knowledge on the mammalian species richness of Restinga de Jurubatiba National Park by analyzing pellets of the Barn owl Tyto furcata. The analyses of 4745 mammalian bone fragments (1739 individuals) revealed the occurrence of 17 species belonging to the orders Rodentia (9 spp.), Didelphimorphia (2 spp.) and Chiroptera (6 spp.). The rodents Mus musculus and Cerradomys goytaca accounted for 77.2% of the total individuals preyed, suggesting that the Barn owl hunts in both disturbed and natural open shrub formations. A compilation of previous records, together with those provided in the present study, indicates the occurrence of 44 species of mammals in the Restinga de Jurubatiba National Park, of which six (13.6%) were exclusively detected in pellets. These new records include species adapted to open formations of the interior of Brazil that were not previously reported in restingas on the basis of voucher-specimens, such as the rodents Necromys lasiurus and Calomys tener, the latter being recorded for the first time in the littoral of Rio de Janeiro state. This study underscores the importance of owl pellet analysis as a complementary and indispensable method for inventorying mammals. The results highlight the Restinga de Jurubatiba National Park as one of the restingas in Southeastern Brazil with the highest number of mammal species.

sábado, 1 de agosto de 2015

Are otters generalists or do they prefer large, slower prey? Feeding flexibility of the Neotropical otter Lontra longicaudis in the Atlantic Forest

RHEINGANTZ, M.L.; OLIVEIRA-SANTOS, L.G.; WALDEMARIN, H.F.; CARAMASCHI, E.P. 2012. Are otters generalists or do they prefer large, slower prey? Feeding flexibility of the Neotropical otter Lontra longicaudis in the Atlantic Forest. IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin 29(2):80-94.

Abstract. Despite there being several studies focusing on feeding habits of Lontra longicaudis, few studies aimed to evaluate its prey selectivity and none of them considered prey mobility. In this study, we report both its feeding flexibility and specialist feeding behaviour between two parts of Mambucaba River, Southeastern Brazil. We observed that they fed mainly on fish, crabs and crayfish. We did not observe seasonality either in diet or prey community availability. However, using ANOVA, we found differences between stretches for diet composition and in the availability of prey. Monotonic Multi-Dimensional Scaling ordination showed that the otter diet in mangroves was dominated by Brachyura and the prey availability by Brachyura, Caridea, Ariidae, Mugilidae, Gerreidae, Centropomidae and Cichlidae, while the diet in the river stretch was dominated by Cichlidae, Caridea and Heptapteridae, and the prey availability by Characidae, Erythrinidae and Heptapteridae. According to Ivlev Electivity Index, along the river few preys were consumed according to their abundance, the majority being selected. Otters preferred slower prey, no matter their size. We observed variation in the level of preference of the same prey in different stretches, with flexibility in otter diet. Otter ate few preys according to their abundance, but showed specialist feeding behaviour, eating the slowest prey of the stretch.

quinta-feira, 30 de julho de 2015

Journals: Animal Behaviour

Animal Behaviour

- Abreviatura: Anim. Behav.
- Qualis CAPES: A1 (Biodiversidade), A2 (Ciências Biológicas I e II), B1 (Ciências Biológicas III).
- Taxa de Publicação: Nenhuma.
- Idiomas: Inglês.
- Disponibilidade: Restrito. Apenas alguns artigos são de acesso livre.
- Submissão: Online, pelo sistema Elsevier, com acesso pela home page.

Animal Behaviour é publicado pela Associação para o Estudo do Comportamento Animal (Association for Study of Animal Behaviour) em colaboração com a Sociedade de Comportamento Animal (Animal Behaviour Society).
Publicado pela primeira vez em 1953, Animal Behaviour é uma publicação internacional líder com grande apelo, contendo revisões críticas, artigos originais, e artigos de pesquisa em todos os aspectos do comportamento animal. Seções de revisões de livros e recebimento de livros também estão incluídas.
O crescente interesse na biologia comportamento e a reputação internacional do Animal Behaviour exigiram uma expansão para publicação mensal em 1989. Animal Behaviour continua a ser o periódico escolhido por biólogos, etólogos, psicólogos, fisiólogos, e veteranos com interesse no assunto.

As áreas de pesquisa do periódico incluem: ecologia comportamental, evolução do comportamento, sócio-biologia, etologia, psicologia comportamental, fisiologia comportamental, biologia de populações, comportamento sensorial, navegação e migração.

sábado, 18 de julho de 2015

O gênero Holochilus (Mammalia: Cricetidae) no Rio Grande do Sul: taxonomia e distribuição

MARQUES, R.V. 1988. O gênero Holochilus (Mammalia: Cricetidae) no Rio Grande do Sul: taxonomia e distribuição. Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 4(4):347-360.

Abstract. The genus Holochilus Brandt, 1835 is represented in Rio Grande do Sul, Southem Brazil, by two forms: H. brasiliensis vulpinus (Brants, 1827) e H. magnus Hershkovitz, 1955. They are myomorph rodents with semi-aquatic habits. Species of Holochilus range from Northern South America to Central Argentina. In this paper, I present an analysis ofstandard measurements of specimens collected in Southem Brazil and deposited in the collections of FZB, PUC and UFRGS and a distribution map with collecting localities.

quarta-feira, 15 de julho de 2015

Journals: Behavioral Ecology

Behavioral Ecology

- Abreviatura: Behav. Ecol.
- Qualis CAPES: A2 (Biodiversidade, Ciências Biológicas I), B1 (Ciências Biológicas III).
- Taxa de Publicação: Nenhuma.
- Idiomas: Inglês.
- Disponibilidade: Acesso livre a boa parte dos artigos no site.
- Submissão: Online, pelo sistema ScholarOne Manuscripts, com acesso pela home page.

Reunindo um trabalho significativo em todos os aspectos do assunto, Behavioral Ecology é amplo e abrange abordagens teóricas e empíricas. Estudos em toda a game de comportamento de organismos, incluindo plantas, invertebrados, vertebrados, e humanos, estão incluídos.
Behavioral Ecology interpreta o campo em sua forma mais ampla, incluindo 1) o uso de processos ecológicos e evolutivos para explicar a ocorrência e significância adaptativa de padrões de comportamento; 2) o uso de processos comportamentais para predizer padrões ecológicos, e 3) análises empíricas e comparativas relacionadas ao comportamento com o ambiente no qual ocorre.

Behavioral Ecology é o periódico oficial da Sociedade Internacional de Ecologia Comportamento (International Society for Behavioral Ecology). O periódico tem publicação quinzenal.

segunda-feira, 13 de julho de 2015

III Congresso Lationoamericano de Mastozoologia

O III Congresso Latinoamericano de Mastozoologia ocorrerá em Bogotá, Colômbia de 1 a 5 de dezembro de 2015. 

O prazo para submissão de resumos é até 20 de julho e a primeira data limite para inscrições com desconto é até dia 31 de julho.

Para informações sobre o Congresso, inscrições e submissões, acessem o site: http://comiteorganizadori2.wix.com/scmas#!instrucciones-para-autores/cu6p  

sábado, 11 de julho de 2015

Occurrence and mortality of Lasiurus ega (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) in monocultures of Pinus sp. in Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil

BARROS, M.A.S.; RUI, A.M. 2011. Occurrence and mortality of Lasiurus ega (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) in monocultures of Pinus sp. in Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. Chiroptera Neotropical 17(2):997-1002.

Abstract. Lasiurus ega is a widespread, insectivorous bat, occurring in several types of natural and altered habitats. Individuals are solitary and roost among tree branches and leaves. The present work records the use of Pinus individuals as diurnal roosts by L. ega in monocultures, and discusses the possible impact of such behavior on bat’s population. The study area is located in a rural property dominated by grassy vegetation, monocultures and invasions of Pinus spp. near the city of Palmares do Sul, in the northern Coastal Plain of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Adults and offspring of L. ega were observed roosting in monocultures of Pinus trees. Some individuals do not leave their tree roosts during the cutting process, and are killed by crushing or by the workers themselves. Bat presence in felled trees is frequent, according to reports by the workers, and may involve different species. This paper represents the first record of the use of Pinus sp. as roost by a bat species in a region where Pinus has been introduced, and the first record of Pinus sp. occupation by L. ega. The monoculture management and removal of individuals of Pinus sp. induce L. ega mortality, including the loss of pregnant and lactating females, and offsprings. Considering the current scarcity of knowledge, it is recommended that Pinus sp. plantations do not be cut during spring and summer, in order to avoid the mortality of L. ega individuals during the critical reproductive period.

segunda-feira, 15 de junho de 2015

Journals: Oikos


- Abreviatura: Oikos.
- Qualis CAPES: A1 (Biodiversidade), A2 (Ciências Biológicas I), B1 (Ciências Biológicas III).
- Taxa de Publicação: Nenhuma.
- Idiomas: Inglês.
- Disponibilidade: Restrito.
- Submissão: Online, pelo sistema ScholarOne Manuscripts, com acesso na home page.

Oikos é um periódico editado pela Sociedade Ecológica Nórdica (Nordic Ecological Society) e é um dos periódicos líderes em ecologia. O Oikos publica pesquisas originais e inovadoras em todos os aspectos da ecologia, definida como as interações entre organismos e ambiente. Enfatiza trabalhos teóricos e empíricos visando generalizações e síntese entre táxons, sistemas e disciplinas ecológicas. Artigos podem contribuir para novos desenvolvimentos em ecologia reportando novas teorias ou resultados críticos empíricos, e “sínteses” podem incluir desenvolvimento de novas teorias, testes de hipóteses gerais, ou trazer junto áreas de ecologia estabelecidas ou emergentes. Confirmando ou estendendo a literatura estabelecida, por exemplo, mostrando resultados que são novos para um novo táxon, é de baixa prioridade. O periódico publica artigos padrão e artigos curtos na seção Fórum que visem estimular discussão promovendo ideias e sínteses de alta novidade.

sábado, 13 de junho de 2015

Primeiro registro documentado de Holochilus brasiliensis (Desmarest, 1819) e Calomys laucha (G. Fischer, 1814) no estado de Santa Catarina, sul do Brasil

PETERS, F.B.; ROTH, P.R.O.; CHRISTOFF, A.U. 2013. Primeiro registro documentado de Holochilus brasiliensis (Desmarest, 1819) e Calomys laucha (G. Fischer, 1814) no estado de Santa Catarina, sul do Brasil. Biotemas 26(3):177-184.  http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/2175-7925.2013v26n3p177

Abstract. First documented record of Holochilus brasiliensis (Desmarest, 1819) and Calomys laucha (G. Fischer, 1814) in the state of Santa Catarina, south Brazil. Studies on the richness of small mammals in the Brazilian South Region are recent and point out the need for using varied methods. This way, this paper contributes to knowledge on the fauna of small sigmodontinae rodents in Santa Catarina, including Holochilus brasiliensis and Calomys laucha in the list of species with confirmed occurrence in this state. The records of H. brasiliensis refer to Laguna (n = 2) and Timbe do Sul (n = 1). In turn, C. laucha presents 23 records from Capinzal. The entire material is represented by skull fragments from owl pellets samples collected from nests and feeding perches of the Tyto alba.

quarta-feira, 10 de junho de 2015

Mamíferos em Paisagens Fragmentadas: Perspectivas da ecologia de paisagens

Encontro Internacional de Conservação de Morcegos

Em julho ocorrerá o ENCONTRO INTERNACIONAL DE CONSERVAÇÃO DE MORCEGOS de 26 a 29 de julho em Bento Gonçalves, Rio Grande do Sul, no Dall’Onder Grande Hotel.
O objetivo do evento é apresentar os temas que levam a maior preocupação na conservação de morcegos e discutir e buscar soluções que envolvam meio ambiente, expansão urbana, impactos, saúde pública e desmistificação.
A inscrição pode ser feita pela site batsusi.wix.com/pcmbrasil ou pelo e-mail isauver@gmail.com.

sábado, 6 de junho de 2015

On the presence of Holochilus brasiliensis (Desmarest, 1819) (Rodentia: Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae) in the late Pleistocene of southern Brazil

KERBER, L.; LOPES, R.P.; OLIVEIRA, E.V.; RIBEIRO, A.M.; PEREIRA, J. 2012. On the presence of Holochilus brasiliensis (Desmarest, 1819) (Rodentia: Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae) in the late Pleistocene of southern Brazil. GAEA, Journal of Geoscience 8(2):47-54. doi: 10.4013/gaea.2012.82.02.

Abstract. Fossil remains of the sigmodontine rodent Holochilus brasiliensis (Desmarest, 1819) from two geographic areas from the state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil are reviewed and described here. The specimens came from two localities: Quaraí River in the western region, which has yielded a dentary with an incisor and molars, and Chuí Creek in the eastern region, where a fragmented right dentary and a maxillary fragment with molars were collected. The presence of this taxon in the late Pleistocene of meridional Brazil suggests the existence of perennial water bodies.

domingo, 31 de maio de 2015

Journals: European Journal of Wildlife Research

European Journal of Wildlife Research

- Abreviatura: Eur. J. Wildlife Res.
- Qualis CAPES: B1 (Biodiversidade), B3 (Ciências Biológicas I).
- Taxa de Publicação: Nenhuma.
- Idiomas: Inglês.
- Disponibilidade: Restrito.
- Submissão: Online, pelo sistema Editorial manager, com acesso direto na home page.

European Journal of Wildlife Research foco em todos os aspectos da biologia de vida selvagem. As principais áreas são: ecologia de vida selvagem, doenças, toxicologia, conservação, manejo, e uso sustentável de recursos naturais. Contribuições a aspectos socioculturais da relação humano-vida selvagem e à história e sociologia da caça também serão consideradas.

sábado, 30 de maio de 2015

The taxonomic history of the south and central american akodont rodent genera: Thalpomys, Deltamys, Thaptomys, Hypsimys, Bolomys, Chroeomys, Abrothrix, Scotinomys, Akodon (Chalcomys and Akodon), Microxus, Podoxymys, Lenoxus, Oxymycterus, Notiomys, and Blarinomys

TATE, G.H.H. 1932. The taxonomic history of the south and central american akodont rodent genera: Thalpomys, Deltamys, Thaptomys, Hypsimys, Bolomys, Chroeomys, Abrothrix, Scotinomys, Akodon (Chalcomys and Akodon), Microxus, Podoxymys, Lenoxus, Oxymycterus, Notiomys, and Blarinomys. American Museum Novitates 582:1:32.

Abstract. In this paper, the sixth of my series, I have continued the treatment given in earlier papers. Since neither the several new akodont genera proposed by Thomas not his "groups" of the subgenus Akodon (sensu stricto) appear to be sharply defined, geographic arrangement of the species has been particularly difficult and may prove unsatisfactory. Though wishing to preserve, as much as possible, the arrangement of genera made by Thomas (1916), I have felt that certain changes were desirable: Zygodontomys has been treated in my fifth paper, and the akodont genera are rearranged so as to include Scotinomys and the new genera Deltamys and Hypsimys and to place Akodon (Akodon) next to Microxus.

sábado, 23 de maio de 2015

Bat inventory in a Caatinga area in Northeastern Brazil, with a new occurrence in the state of Paraíba

BELTRÃO, M.G.; ZEPPELINI, C.G.; FRACASSO, M.P.A.; LOPES, L.C.S. 2015. Bat inventory in a Caatinga area in Northeastern Brazil, with a new occurrence in the state of Paraíba. Neotropical Biology and Conservation 10(1):15-20. doi: 10.4013/nbc.2015.101.06

Abstract. The Caatinga is a semi-arid ecosystem with a long history of anthropic impacts and scientific negligence. Since bats are the second most diverse group of mammals and have wide ecological roles, a well-based comprehension of their diversity for an area is important for management and conservationist actions. The goal of this study is to provide a list of the bat species found in Private Reserve of Natural Heritage Fazenda Almas, Paraíba, Northeastern Brazil. By sampling with mist nets and exploring roosts, we captured 126 specimens and recorded 19 species from 5 families. The most abundant species were Artibeus planirostris, Peropteryx macrotis, Myotis nigricans, and Carollia perspicillata. We registered high diversity of Phyllostominae, as well as the occurrence of the genus Histiotus in the state for the first time. Our results indicate that Caatinga areas can maintain bat assemblages with levels of diversity similar to moist tropical areas, which highlights the need to expand the network of protected areas in this threatened ecosystem.

segunda-feira, 18 de maio de 2015

Evolution 2015

O evento internacional Evolution 2015 será realizado entre os dias 26 e 30 de junho de 2015 no Casa Grande Hotel Resort em Guarujá, SP e contará com grandes cientistas internacionais que trabalham com evolução biológica <www.evolution2015.org>.

O último dia para submissão de trabalhos a serem apresentados na forma de pôster é 15 de maio.

Brasileiros e estrangeiros que residem no Brasil tem um desconto especial na inscrição. Para fazer uso deste desconto, faça sua inscrição no site <www.evolution2015.org> e coloque o voucher "Brazil1" se for pesquisador, pós-doc, ou aluno de pós-graduação, ou "Brazil2" se for aluno de graduação.

O evento terá 8 simpósios principais, escolhidos pelas sociedades patrocinadoras:

Temperate Assumptions (Organizer: Marlene Zuk)
Contributions from Naturalists to the Fight Against Dengue in Brazil and Beyond (Organizers: Alex Perkins and Louis Lambrechts)
Frontiers in Parametric Biogeography (Organizers: James Albert and Alexandre Antonelli)
Breaking Barriers: Empirical, Theoretical, and Gender Issues in Phylogenetics (Organizers: Corrie S. Moreau, Brian C. O’Meara, Susan L. Perkins, and Tracy A. Heath)
Prokaryote comparative genomics, phylogenetics, and evolution (Organizers: José S. L. Patané and João Carlos Setubal)
Iconic Brazilian ecosystems as case studies for teaching evolution (Organizers: Thomas R Meagher, Eimear Nic Lughadha and Louise Mead)
Epigenetics and Evolutionary Processes (Organizers: Joshua Banta and Christina Richards)
The multiple dimensions of biodiversity science (Organizers: Ana Carnaval and Christopher Dick)
When Gene Flow Really Matters: Gene Flow and Applied Plant Evolutionary Biology (Organizer: Norman Ellstrand)

Este evento é sempre uma ótima oportunidade para a integração de diversas áreas da biologia que acabam ficando separadas por motivos históricos, como a genética, evolução, ecologia, taxonomia, sistemática, botânica e zoologia.

sábado, 16 de maio de 2015

Treetop shelter of a Neotropical River Otter cuba (Lontra longicaudis - Carnivora: Mustelidae) in an Amazonian flooded forest

SANTOS, P.M.R.S.; KINUPP, V.F.; COLETTO-SILVA, A. 2007. Treetop shelter of a Neotropical River Otter cuba (Lontra longicaudis - Carnivora: Mustelidae) in an Amazonian flooded forest. Acta Amazonica 37(2):309-312.

Abstract. The finding of a Neotropical river otter (Lontra longicaudis) cub occupying a shelter in a hollowed treetop is reported. The observation was made in a seasonally flooded forest in Central Amazonia, during the high water peak of the annual inundation cycle. A literature review indicates that this is the first description of a shelter of the species, both in a hollowed tree and in Amazonia. This observation can indicate a strong relationship between the species’ breeding cycle with the annual dynamics of Amazonian rivers. We discuss potential advantages and disadvantages of breeding when water level is high.

sexta-feira, 15 de maio de 2015

Journals: BMC Ecology

BMC Ecology

- Abreviatura: BMC Ecol.
- Qualis CAPES: A2 (Ciências Biológicas I), B2 (Biodiversidade), B5 (Ciências Biológicas III).
- Taxa de Publicação: Sim.
- Idiomas: Inglês.
- Disponibilidade: Acesso livre aos artigos no site.
- Submissão: Online, diretamente na home page.

BMC Ecology é um periódico científico de acesso livre que publica artigos em ecologia ambiental, comportamental e de populações, assim como biodiversidade de plantas, animais e micróbios.

Todos os artigos publicados pelo BMC Ecology são feitos com acesso online livre e permanente imediatamente após a publicação, sem cobrança de assinatura ou barreiras de registro. Os autores dos artigos publicados no BMC Ecology são os proprietários de copyright de seus artigos e podem conceder a terceiros, de antecedência e na perpetuidade, o direito de usar, reproduzir e disseminar o artigo, de acordo com o termo de licença e copyright da BioMed Central.

sábado, 9 de maio de 2015

Diet of racoon Procyon cancrivorus (Carnivora, Procyonidae) in a mangrove and restinga area in Espirito Santo state, Brazil

MARTINELLI, M.M.; VOLPI, T.A. 2010. Diet of racoon Procyon cancrivorus (Carnivora, Procyonidae) in a mangrove and restinga area in Espirito Santo state, Brazil. Natureza on-line 8(3):150-151. 

Abstract. Diet of Procyon cancrivorus was analised from fecal material. From 47 analyzed fecal samples, the most consumed items were Arthropods, found in 100% of scats, followed by Allagoptera arenaria (guriri-coconut), in 50.8% of scats, and small vertebrates and seeds, found in 4.3% of scats each. Among the arthropods, the most frequent crab family was the Ocypodidae, found in all samples.

sábado, 2 de maio de 2015

Nota sobre convergência e divergência alimentar de canídeos e felídeos (Mammalia: Carnivora) simpátricos no Cerrado brasileiro

TROVATI, R.G.; CAMPOS, C.B.; BRITO, B.A. 2008. Nota sobre convergência e divergência alimentar de canídeos e felídeos (Mammalia: Carnivora) simpátricos no Cerrado brasileiro. Neotropical Biology and Conservation 3(2):95-100.

Abstract. Feed convergence and divergence of some sympatric canids and felids in Tocantins, Brazil were analyzed. Thirty-six fecal samples were collected. The results showed that 37.3% of the canids’ diet was made up of fruit and fibers (grasses e peel fruits) and 44% of the felids’ diet was made up of mammals. There were differences in the measurement and in the overlap of trophic niche, indicating canids as generalists and felids as specialists. Feeding of Phantera onca was more divergent and feeding of Puma yagouaroundi converged with the canids. Thus, the data collected shows that small felids have a similar diet to canids and only large and medium felids present divergence, but further studies are needed to better elucidate the degree of sympatric of these animals.

quinta-feira, 30 de abril de 2015

Journals: Journal of Tropical Ecology

Journal of Tropical Ecology

- Abreviatura: J. Trop. Ecol.
- Qualis CAPES: B1 (Biodiversidade), B3 (Ciências Biológicas I e III).
- Taxa de Publicação: Nenhuma.
- Idiomas: Inglês.
- Disponibilidade: Restrito. A maioria dos artigos é de acesso restrito e pago.
- Submissão: Online, pelo sistema ScholarOne Manuscripts, com acesso na home page.

Journal of Tropical Ecology publica artigos no importante e agora estabelecido campo da ecologia da região tropical. Os artigos podem lidar com ecologia tropical terrestre, de água doce ou costeira, e aqueles dedicados aos resultados de pesquisas originais, assim como aqueles que formam revisões significativas serão considerados. São aceitos artigos completos e comunicações curtas.

sábado, 25 de abril de 2015

Incidental catch of South American sea lion in a pair trawl off southern Brazil

MACHADO, R.; OLIVEIRA, L.R.; MONTEALEGRE-QUIJANO, S. 2015. Incidental catch of South American sea lion in a pair trawl off southern Brazil. Neotropical Biology and Conservation 10(1):43-47. doi: 10.4013/nbc.2015.101.06

Abstract. The population of the South American sea lion, Otaria flavescens (Shaw, 1800), in Uruguay is declining at an annual rate of 1.6 to 2.0%. Although the reasons are still unknown, interactions with fishing activities have been identified as a major cause. The individuals that arrive along the coast of Brazil come from the breeding colonies off Uruguay after their breeding period. We report here the first record of incidental catch of South American sea lions in Brazilian waters by a pair trawl. On July 17th, 2008 a young male of South American sea lion was incidentally caught during a commercial pair trawl fishing trip along the southern Brazilian coast (32º57’S, 52º31’W), in a depth ranging from 15 to 20 m. Despite being punctual, this record is an evidence of a potential major threat to South American sea lions in southern Brazil and Uruguay, since trawl industrial fishing is a very important economic activity in South Brazil.

sábado, 18 de abril de 2015

First record of the bushy-tailed opossum, Glironia venusta, Thomas, 1912, (Didelphimorphia) from Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil

CALZADA, J.; DELIBES, M.; KELLER, C.; PALOMARES, F.; MAGNUSSON, W. 2008. First record of the bushy-tailed opossum, Glironia venusta, Thomas, 1912, (Didelphimorphia) from Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. Acta Amazonica 38(4):807-810.

Abstract. A new record of a very rarely observed mammal, the bushy-tailed opossum, Glironia venusta (Didelphimorphia), was obtained for the Adolpho Ducke Forest Reserve, Manaus, Amazonas state, Brazil. Only 17 other records existed of this species, most from the 1980s. There were only three previous records of the species from Brazil (in the states of Pará, Amazonas and Rondônia). This new record supports the notion that G. venusta is a locally rare species throughout its range, but widely distributed in Brazilian Amazonia.

quarta-feira, 15 de abril de 2015

Journals: Plant Ecology

Plant Ecology

- Abreviatura: Plant Ecol.
- Qualis CAPES: A2 (Biodiversidade), B2 (Ciências Biológicas I).
- Taxa de Publicação: Nenhuma.
- Idiomas: Inglês.
- Disponibilidade: Restrito. A maioria dos artigos é de acesso restrito e pago.
- Submissão: Online, pelo sistema Editorial Manager, com acesso na home page.

Plant Ecology publica artigos científicos originais que reportam e interpretam os achados de pesquisas puras e aplicadas na ecologia de plantas vasculares nos ecossistemas terrestres e pântanos. Artigos empíricos, experimentais, teóricos e de revisão reportando ecologia ecofisiologia, população, comunidade, ecossistema, paisagem, molecular e histórica estão no escopo do periódico.
O periódico publica Artigos de Pesquisa (Research Papers) e Cartas de Pesquisa (Research Letters), revisões e fascículos especiais por submissão e por convite. Longas monografias podem ser aceitas pelo Editor-Chefe se um caso é feito pelos autores em relação a trabalhos de alta qualidade. Comunicações de Pesquisa (Research Communications) podem reportar sobre qualquer área no escopo do periódico, mas são particularmente procurados em relação a questões tópicas em ecologia vegetal, especialmente no que concerne à teoria e metodologia. O periódico não publica revisões de livros.

Embora Plant Ecology seja um periódico de ecologia vegetal, ele também aceita artigos de interação animal-planta, e por isso algumas vezes pode ser procurado por mastozoólogos.

sábado, 11 de abril de 2015

Perceptions of human-carnivore conflicts in the High Andes of Argentina

LUCHERINI, M.; MERINO, M.J. 2008. Perceptions of human-carnivore conflicts in the High Andes of Argentina. Mountain Research and Development 28(1):81-85. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1659/mrd.0903

Abstract. The Andean cat (Leopardus jacobitus), one of the world’s most threatened felids, forms part of the little known carnivore guild occurring in the dry areas of the High Andes. Although human–carnivore conflicts are among the major causes of carnivore population decline, no data are available on this issue for the High Andes. We report here the results of the first survey of human perceptions of, and attitudes towards, carnivores in the high-altitude Andes of Argentina. Interviews with 50 adults and 226 schoolchildren revealed that pumas (Puma concolor) and foxes (Lycalopex culpaeusare considered pests for preying upon livestock and are actively hunted by adults. Although perceptions of the Andean cat and the Pampas cat (Leopardus colocolowere more positive, especially among schoolchildren, they are also frequently killed by local people. We suggest that, contrary to what was previously thought, hunting might be affecting the conservation status of the Andean cat and of some puma populations in the High Andes of Argentina, and that education strategies may help to improve human attitudes, particularly in the case of the endangered Andean cat.

sábado, 4 de abril de 2015

Niche separation between the maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus), the crab-eating fox (Dusicyon thous) and the hoary fox (Dusicyon vetulus) in central Brazil

JÁCOMO, A.T.A.; SILVEIRA, L.; DINIZ-FILHO, J.A.F. 2004. Niche separation between the maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus), the crab-eating fox (Dusicyon thous) and the hoary fox (Dusicyon vetulus) in central Brazil. Journal of Zoology, London 262:99-106. DOI:10.1017/S0952836903004473

Abstract. Four species of canids occur in the Cerrado of central Brazil. Three of them, the maned wolf Chrysocyon brachyurus, the crab-eating fox Dusicyon thous and the hoary fox Dusicyon vetulus, were studied in Emas National Park between 1996 and 1999 to investigate niche separation. The diet of the three species was studied to understand niche breadth and degree of overlap. Habitat and activity patterns were used as second and third ecological parameters to define niche dimensions, and were estimated using camera-trap data. The maned wolf is the largest species, weighing c. 21 kg, and is about three times larger than the crab-eating fox and six times larger than the hoary fox. The major ecological differences between the three species were found in their food niche and habitat use, where crab-eating fox presented higher differences from the hoary fox (Pianka’s index of niche overlap (O) = 0.405). Despite differences in niche breadth, habitat use between the hoary fox and the maned wolf were more similar, explaining their larger overlap, in comparison with habitat use by the crab-eating fox. Activity patterns among the species showed less divergence. The three species presented two activity peaks, one in the dusk–night period and another in the morning period. These data permit a better understanding of the ecological separation of the three Cerrado canids that enables their coexistence.

segunda-feira, 30 de março de 2015

Journals: Journal of Biogeography

Journal of Biogeography

- Abreviatura: J. Biogeogr.
- Qualis CAPES: A1 (Biodiversidade e Ciências Biológicas I), A2 (Ciências Biológicas III).
- Taxa de Publicação: Nenhuma.
- Idiomas: Inglês.
- Disponibilidade: Restrito. A maioria dos artigos é de acesso restrito e pago.
- Submissão: Online, pelo sistema ScholarOne Manuscripts, com acesso na home page.

Artigos que tratem de todos os aspectos da biogeografia espacial, ecológica e histórica são considerados para publicação no Journal of Biogeography. A missão do periódico é contribuir para o crescimento e relevância social da disciplina da biogeografia através da disseminação de pesquisas biogeográficas. Para este fim, a política editorial é de que o periódico busca ser representativo da disciplina de biogeografia, ter âmbito global, e incluir as principais opiniões e pontos de vista dentro da disciplina. Autores são particularmente encorajados a submeter artigos concisos, claramente escritos e focados em questões precisamente emolduradas ou hipóteses de amplo interesse para o vasto público internacional do periódico.

sábado, 28 de março de 2015

Medium and large-sized mammals of the Reserva Ecológica de Guapiaçú, Cachoeira de Macacu, RJ

CARVALHO, I.D.; OLIVEIRA, R.; PIRES, A.S. 2014. Medium and large-sized mammals of the Reserva Ecológica de Guapiaçú, Cachoeira de Macacu, RJ. Biota Neotropica 14(3):1-9.

Abstract: Medium and large-sized terrestrial mammals develop important functions in ecosystems maintenance. However, this group is the most vulnerable to local extinctions, through habitat loss or hunting. This study inventoried the community of medium and large mammals in the Reserva Ecológica de Guapiaçú (REGUA), Cachoeiras de Macacu, RJ, providing data on species composition, richness and abundance. Species were registered through the use of camera traps, sign survey and visual encounters on pre-existing trails and roads. The study was conducted from January to October 2012, with each month considered as a sample unit. An effort of 1568 cameras-day and 120 km traveled, resulted on 302 records of 22 species of medium and large-sized mammals, belonging to eight orders. This value corresponds to more than three-quarters of the richness described from this group in the Atlantic Forest of Rio de Janeiro state. Five species are under some level of regional, national or global threat. Three game species, Pecari tajacu, Cuniculus paca and Dasyprocta leporina were abundant in the area. The observed richness was comparable to that found in other studies conducted in rain forests. Thus, for its high number of species, including those under some degree of threat, we conclude that REGUA is an important area to mammal conservation, especially in the Atlantic Forest of Rio de Janeiro state.

sábado, 21 de março de 2015

Abundance and community composition of small mammals in different habitats in Hugumburda forest, northern Ethiopia

ADAM, M.; WELEGERIMA, K.; MEHERETU, Y. 2015. Abundance and community composition of small mammals in different habitats in Hugumburda forest, northern Ethiopia. International Journal fo Biodiversity and Conservation 7(2):119-125. doi: 10.5897/IJBC2014.0787

Abstract. Tropical forest ecosystems harbor several species of small mammals. Diversity and abundance of small mammals in these forests reflect the quality and diversity of the ecosystems. The corrent study was carried out to assess abundance and species composition of small mammals (rodents and shrews) in three habitat types (Pterolobium, Juniperus and Cadia habitats) in Hugumburda forest, a dry afromontane forest in the Tigray region of North Ethiopia. The habitat types were selected based on the floristic compositions (plant species diversity) and level of human disturbance. All together, 179 individual small mammals belonging to seven rodent and one insectivore species were captured in 4,320 trap nights. The rodent species, with their relative abundance, were Stenocephalemys albipes, 55 (30.7%); Mastomys awashensis, 53 (29.6%); Arvicanthis dembeensis, 26 (14.5%); Lophuromys flavopunctatus, 22 (12.3%); Mus (Nannomys) setulosus, 14 (7.8%); Arvicanthis abysinicus 4 (2.2%); Dendromus mystacalis, 3 (1.7%) and the insectivore Crocidura olivieri, 2 (1.1%). There was significant variation in the small mammal abundance among the habitat types (X²= 29.45, P= 0.009), with more individuals caught in Pterolobium habitat, which has relatively highest plant species composition and lowest human disturbance than the other two habitats. The highest small mammal species diversity was also recorded in this habitat (H'= 1.76). Vegetation diversity and level of human interference are likely the major factors affecting small mammal abundance and composition in Hugumburda forest.

sexta-feira, 20 de março de 2015

7th European Congress of Mammalogy 17-21 August - Abstract submission open

Divulgação de Evento:


Dear everyone,

We would like to welcome you to take part in the 7th European Congress of Mammalogy in Stockholm, Sweden (to be held 17-21 August 2015).

Registration and abstract submission are now open. Please visit the conference website to find out more about the conference, as well as to register and submit an abstract: www.zoologi.su.se/ecm7

Early Registration is open until the 15th of April, and Late Registration will be between 16th of April and 16th of June. The deadline for abstract submission is 15th of May.

The aim of the European Congresses of Mammalogy is to foster communication between researchers working on issues of mammalian biology in the European arena, as well as providing a venue for the broad dissemination of European mammal research. The relaxed and friendly atmosphere of these congresses provides an excellent opportunity to hear the latest developments in various fields of mammalogy, to share research experience and expertise, and to develop new and closer contacts with colleagues from different countries.

The conference will cover a broad range of topics in mammal biology, including Species Interactions, Population Genetics, Conservation Biology and Ecology & Landscapes.

Preliminary list of Plenary & Keynote speakers:

·         David MacDonald, University of Oxford
·         Heikki Henttonen, Finnish Forest Research Institute
·         Anjali Goswami, University College London
·         Xavier Lambin, University of Aberdeen
·         Jennifer Leonard, Doñana Biological Station
·         Tim Clutton-Brock, University of Cambridge
·         Henrik Andrén, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
·         Mike Bruford, Cardiff University
·         Ian Barnes, Natural History Museum London
·         Bodil Elmhagen, Stockholm University
·         Kjell Danell, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
·         Nigel Yoccoz, Tromso University
·         Greger Larson, Oxford University
·         Urs Breitenmoser, Bern University
·         Selina Brace, Natural History Museum London
·         Arild Landa, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

sábado, 28 de fevereiro de 2015

New records and description of the microstructural patterns of guard hair in Conepatus chinga (Molina, 1782) (Carnivora, Skunk) for the states of Paraná and Santa Catarina, southern Brazil

BAZILIO, S.; BASTIANI, E.; GOLEC, C. 2015. New records and description of the microstructural patterns of guard hair in Conepatus chinga (Molina, 1782) (Carnivora, Skunk) for the states of Paraná and Santa Catarina, southern Brazil. Biotemas  28(1):79-84. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/2175-7925.2015v28n1p79

Abstract. This article aims to show new records of Conepatus chinga for the states of Paraná and Santa Catarina, in southern Brazil, contributing to increase knowledge on its distribution, besides describing the microstructural patterns of its guard hair. Three run-over specimens were found in highway BR-280, two of them in the town of Palmas, in Paraná, and one in the town of Abelardo Luz, in Santa Catarina. For describing the cuticular and medullary pattern of guard hairs, sixty slides were made. Conepatus chinga has a cross-sectional and undulated cuticular pattern and an anisocytic medullary pattern. The description of microstructural patterns of C. chinga makes it easier to conduct studies related to its ecology, increasing the chances to identify hairs found in fecal samples from carnivores in mastofauna studies.

domingo, 15 de fevereiro de 2015

Journals: Journal of Zoology

Journal of Zoology

- Abreviatura: J. Zool.
- Qualis CAPES: A2 (Biodiversidade), B1 (Ciências Biológicas I), B2 (Ciências Biológicas II e III).
- Taxa de Publicação: Nenhuma.
- Idiomas: Inglês.
- Disponibilidade: Restrito. A maioria dos artigos é de acesso restrito e pago.
- Submissão: Online, pelo sistema ScholarOne Manuscripts, com acesso na home page.

O Journal of Zoology publica artigos de pesquisa de alta qualidade que são originais e são de amplo interesse. Os editores buscam estudos que sejam guiados por hipóteses e de natureza interdisciplinar. Artigos sobre comportamento animal, ecologia, fisiologia, anatomia, biologia do desenvolvimento, evolução, sistemática, genética, e genômica serão considerados; pesquisas que explorem a interface entre estas disciplinas são fortemente encorajadas. Estudos tratando de tópicos geograficamente e/ou taxonomicamente restritos devem testar hipóteses gerais, descrever novos achados ou ter amplas implicações.